yanzike (at) air (dot) tsinghua (dot) edu (dot) cn
zike (dot) yan (at) pku (dot) edu (dot) cn
I am currently a research fellow at Institute for AI Industry Research (AIR) at Tsinghua University, working with Dr. Guyue Zhou and Prof. Yaqin Zhang.
Prior to that, I obtained my Ph.D Degree from Peking University in 2023, advised by Prof. Hongbin Zha.
My research interests include online neural field construction for vision/graphics and neural field based active vision for robotics. The major focus is to best explore and exploit the expressive power of implicit neural representation for spatial intelligence and realistic simulation.
[Jul 2024] Two papers accepted to ECCV!
[Jul 2024] Two papers accepted to IROS!
[May 2024] I served as an Associate Editor at IROS 2024.
[Feb 2024] One paper accepted to CVPR!